State-of-the-art stellarator optimization code

Tutorial: Using STELLOPT to minimize turbulent transport

The STELLOPT code can optimize equilibria for reduced turbulent transport using either analytic proxy functions <ref>H. Mynick, P. Xanthopoulos, B. Faber, M. Lucia, M. Rorvig, and J. Talmadge "Turbulent optimization of toroidal configurations." Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 (2014)</ref> or linear growth rates as calculated by the GENE code. This page describes the various proxy functions available to the user and how to compile STELLOPT with the GENE code. It should also be noted that this feature of STELLOPT replicates the functionality of the GIST code for interfacing the VMEC equilibria to GENE.

Turbulent transport proxy functions

The STELLOPT code can optimize equilibria for reduced turbulent transport using various proxy functions. These functions do rely on a direct calculation of turbulence, instead they return quantities which are related to the growth rates. This results in much simpler (faster) calculations. The idea being that if the quantities which influence growth rates are minimized, so will the growth rates. The following table lists the available proxies

Name Description
prox1 Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) proxy
prox1b Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) proxy
prox1c Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) proxy
prox1d Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) proxy
prox1e Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) proxy
prox1f Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) proxy
prox1g Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) proxy
tem_overlap Trapped Electron Mode (TEM) proxy (feedback on curvature)
tem_bounce Trapped Electron Mode (TEM) proxy (feedback on curvature and magnetic well)
tem_bounce_tau Trapped Electron Mode (TEM) proxy (feedback on curv. and mag well. weighted)
gene || Runs the GENE code in linear serial mode (see next section)  
gene_parallel || Runs the GENE code in linear parallel mode (see next section)  

At each radial location you wish to evaluate the turbulent transport proxy you'll need to set a target (TARGET_TXPORT), sigma (SIGMA_TXPORT), and normalized toroidal flux value (S_TXPORT). Additional name lists for the GIST code will also need to be included in the input file an abridged version of the input file is shown below

  TXPORT_NZ = 128 ! Must match nz0 in parameters file (for GENE)
  NALPHA = 1 ! Number of flux tubes
  ALPHA_START = -0.6283 ! Start of flux tube
  ALPHA_END   =  0.6283 ! END of flux tube
  TARGET_TXPORT(01) = 0.0E+00  SIGMA_TXPORT(01) = 1.0E-03  S_TXPORT(01) = 0.25
  TARGET_TXPORT(02) = 0.0E+00  SIGMA_TXPORT(02) = 1.0E-03  S_TXPORT(02) = 0.50
  TARGET_TXPORT(03) = 0.0E+00  SIGMA_TXPORT(03) = 1.0E-03  S_TXPORT(03) = 0.66

Note that the STELLOPT version of GIST only supports PEST coordinates. While the full version of the GIST input namelists can be read in, STELLOPT overrides many of the namelist parameters (for example S0 in the &SETUP namelist will be over-ridden by the values in S_TXPORT).

Compiling STELLOPT with GENE

Please note that the STELLOPT setup script must be modified to properly link GENE into STELLOPT (currently supported on the PPPL cluster and NERSC-hopper). The following steps outline what must be done to compile the STELLOPT code with GENE support.

  1. Obtain and compile the GENE code.
  2. Set an environment variable titles GENE_PATH which points to the <GENE>/bin/<obj> directory where the .o and .mod files are.
  3. Run the STELLOPT setup script. Please note that you must have TXPORT support in your version. If the code properly compiles you should see a message indicating the TXPORT was detected along with GENE support. This happens before the codes begin compilation.

Running STELLOPT with GENE

To optimize and equilibrium with the GENE code you will need to set the TXPORT_PROXY namelist parameter to 'gene' or 'gene_parallel.' You will also need a parameters file in your run directory (GENE reads this file). If you choose to run the GENE code in parallel mode you will need to specify the NPOPULATION namelist parameter. GENE must be run with multiples of 2. For example, say you request a run with 40 processors (ex. mpirun -np 40) then your value for NPOPULATION should be 5. STELLOPT will then optimize as if 5 processors were requested and use the additional processors to run GENE (so that each GENE run uses 8 processors, 5x8 = 40). __Please note: n_procs_z (&parallelization), nz0 (&box), npopulation (&optimum), and nz0 (&SETUP) must all be consistent with the total number of processors (nz0 must be evenly divisible by n_procs_z).__

Some clusters may require that the environment variable MP_DEBUG_NOTIMEOUT=yes to avoid a segmentation fault as some processors may have to wait at a barrier statement for a few minutes.

Here is an example parameters file:

! Defines number of MPI processes handling each dimension
! must evenly divide the resolution number (value)
n_procs_s =   1  ! Species parallelization (n_spec)
n_procs_v =   1  ! Vll parallelization (nv0)
n_procs_w =   1  ! Mu (magnetic moment) parallelization (nw0)
n_procs_y =   1  ! Poloidal wavenumber parallelization (nky0)
n_procs_z =   1  ! Field line coordinate parallelization (nz0)
n_procs_x =   1
! Simulation domain definition
!    Linear runs will reduce nx0 by 1 if an even number is input set nx0 = 2^n-1 to avoid error message.
n_spec = 1  ! Number of species
nx0 =  15  ! Number gridpoints in radial direction (power of two)
nky0 = 1   ! Number of Fourier modes in poloidal direction
nz0 =  128 ! Number of grid points along field line (must be even)
nv0 =  32  ! Number of grid points in parallel direction (must be even)
nw0 =   8  ! Number of grid points in Mu direction (must be even)
lx =        125.628  ! Extension of the box in x direction (gyroradii)
kymin =     0.9 ! Extension of the box in polodial direction (inverse gyroradii)
lv =        3.0 ! Extension of the parallel velocity direction (thermal velocity)
lw =        9.0 ! Extension of the Mu direction (T/Bref)
adapt_lx = .t.  ! Set's the optimal lx =1/(ky*shat) (ignored for nonlinear)
! Control of input and output
diagdir = './'         ! Diagnotic dir (set to ./ to trick GENE into running)
write_checkpoint = .t. ! Write checkpoint files at end of run
istep_field =   100    ! Steps between entries in field.dat
istep_mom =     100    ! Steps between entries in mom.dat
istep_nrg =      10    ! Steps between entries in nrg.dat
istep_vsp =     5000   ! Steps between entries in vsp.dat
istep_schpt =  10000   ! Steps between entries in s_checkpoint
! Control of how the algorithm runs
comp_type = 'EV'       ! Eigenvalue (EV-linear), Initial Value (IV), or Neoclassical (NC)
nonlinear = .f.        ! Linear vs. Non-linear runs
! Initial Value Runs
ntimesteps = 50000     ! Maximum number of timesteps
timelim  = 500        ! Limit computation to this number of seconds
simtimeline = 490      ! Control stop of code in seconds
omega_prec =  1.0E-4   ! Desired precision of growth rate and frequency
overflow_limit = 1.0E30 ! Maximum number of NRG moments
underflow_limit = 1E-8 ! Minimum value of NRG moments
dt_max = 0.0385        ! Maximum Timestep
calc_dt   = .t.        ! Automatic determination of dt_max
timescheme = 'RK4'     ! RK3, RK4, RK4M, IE1p, IE1s Timeschemes
coll_split_scheme = 'RKCa' ! EE1, RKC2, RKC3, RKC4, RKCa, none Collision Operatore time scheme
! Eigenvalue Runs
ev_prec = 1.0E-2       ! Desired Precision
which_ev = 'jd'        ! Desired solver
n_ev = 1               ! Number of Eignevalues to be computed
ev_max_it = 500        ! Maximum number of EV iterations
ev_shift  = (10.0,0.0) ! Shift in the complex plane
! Neoclassical
include_f0_contr = .F. ! Calculated neoclassical contribution
! Initialization
init_cond = 'alm'      ! Initialization of modes (all modes)
! Species independent physical parameters
beta = 0.0             ! Plasma beta
collision_op = 'none'  ! Collision Operator
coll_cons_model = 'default' ! Collision back-reaction term
coll = 1.0E-10         ! Normalized collision frequency
Zeff = 1.0             ! Z-effective
debye2 = 0.0           ! Squared debye wavelength normalized to rho_ref
! Hyper Diffusion Settings
! hyp_XXX : Hyper diffusion coefficient in XXX direction (X,Y,Z,V)
! hyp_XXX_order: Exponent of the hyper diffusion operator in a given direction
hyp_z = 0.25
hyp_z_order = 4
hyp_v = 0.2
hyp_v_order = 4
! Other
bpar = .f.             ! Calculation of parallel magnetic fluctuations (beta >0)
delzonal = .f.         ! Suppress zonal flows (phi)
delazonal = .f.        ! Suppress zonal flows (A)
courant = 0.4
! Magnetic Geometry Namelist
magn_geometry = 'gist'  ! Type of data
! 'slab','s_alpha','circular'
q0      = 1.4           ! Central q
shat    = 0.6565        ! Magnetic Shear
!amhd    = 0.0           ! Alpha parameter
!major_r = 1.6           ! Major radius
!minor_r = 0.3           ! Minor radius
!trpeps =  0.18          ! Inverse aspect ratio at flux tube
! 'miller'
!kappa = 1.0             ! Elongation
!delta = 0.0             ! Triangularity
!zeta = 0.0              ! Squareness
!s_kappa = 0.0           ! Shear
!s_delta = 0.0
!s_zeta  = 0.0
!drR     = 0.0           ! Major radius shift
! 'slab'
!shat = 0.6565           ! Magnetic shear
!parscale = 1.0          ! Parallel scale length
! 'tracer', 'tracer-efit', 'gist'
geomdir = '.'           ! Directory of geometry file (STELLOPT controlled)
geomfile = '.'          ! Name of geometry file (STELLOPT controlled)
! 'chease'
!geomfile = '.'          ! Name of geometry file
!x_def = 'arho_t'        ! Definition of x variable
! Optional
!dpdx_pm = 0              ! Amplitude of negative pressure gradient
dpdx_term = 'full_drift'  ! Treatment of pressure gradient term
! The code will read each SPECIES namelist Sequentially based on the value n_spec
! name = 'string' ! A arbitrary string which defines a species
! passive = .f.   ! Treat as tracer species with no influence on fields
! omn = 0.0       ! Normalized density gradient
! omt = 4.0       ! Normalized temperature gradient
! mass = 1.0      ! Mass normalized to mass scale (mref)
! charge = 1      ! Charge number of present species (-1 for electrons)
! temp = 1.0      ! Temperature normalized to (Tref)
! dens = 1.0      ! Density normalied to electron density
! prof_type = 0   ! Profile type (0: use above values, otherwise they're calculated)
name =   'ions'
omn =    0.0
omt =    4.0
mass =    1.0
charge =    1
temp =    1.0
dens =    1.0
name =   'electrons'
omn =    2.22
omt =    6.92
mass =   0.0025
charge =   -1
temp =    1.0
dens =    1.0